"Having an Edge" (defined):
An advantage. If someone or something has an edge, they have an advantage that makes them stronger or more likely to be successful than another thing or person.

Someone asked me the other day, “What sets your coaching apart from everyone else?”...
What you’re about to read is what flashed across my mind at that moment.
I had to extract this for you because, there is no bullshit to be called – it’s my truth and it’s something that I take great pride in being able to share with other women.
Here’s why…
You don’t have the opportunity to become a professional at something that you have not mastered.
In order to master something, you must be willing to sacrifice and invest to extraordinary lengths.
Time, money, energy, a social life, relationships, ourselves. When we are in the thick of coming up, or say a tremendous growth season, it's not uncommon to get LOST.
Physical strength is required, but mental toughness is demanded.
Understanding peak performance and experiencing it are two different things.
Thank goodness I’m passionate about the things that I do ,otherwise they would have chewed me up and spit me out a long time ago.
In case you haven't heard my story before, here is a little background:
I spent every waking moment while growing up at a lake, waterskiing.
From sunup to sun down.
I wanted to learn it all and be a part of the water skiing shows.
So, that's exactly what I did.
I would wake up before the sun and barefoot with all the guys.
I learned how to jump even though I was terrified of it.
I made sure to build my strength off the lake for the human pyramid acts.
I learned how to hold others up and to be held up, in pretty shapes of course.
I specialized in swivel skiing. One ski, where the binding that your foot is in turns 360 degrees.
I couldn’t even make up a number of how many times I fell doing this.
Countless practice sessions, over years and years. In the heat, and the cold, the snow and the rain.
I worked extremely hard because I had a very specific vision.
I wanted to water ski in a professional show.
That’s exactly that I did.
The day after I graduated from high school I moved out, drove 7 hours away to my new home in Wisconsin and the rest is history.
It was while water skiing professionally that I learned about and became acquainted with aerial arts because half of our water skiing show was an acrobatic/ circus show.
You know those moments where your name happens to come up in just the right room, with just the right people in it?
That’s how me and the circus linked up– it was complete happenstance.
I received a phone call out of the blue and knew I could not pass up the opportunity.
Fast forward a few weeks from that call and I’m moving to Boston, MA to be a part of an incredible show called “Big Apple Circus”.
And so began some of the most intense training of my life, multiple times a day.
Training that required the utmost virtuosity from me, in every aspect.
Both inside and outside of the ring.
All for the opportunity to soar above crowds and awe thousands of spectators.
Worth it? Absolutely.
These are considered some of THE greatest moments of my life. But, that in no way suggests that they were easy to navigate.
There were seasons of my life where I was:
Performing 3-4 shows DAILY, 7 days a week + practicing
Working while sick and/or injured
Taking little to zero rest to recover (why was there ever a stigma around resting and it being “weak”?)
Progressing too quickly, beyond what my body was capable of in a sustainable way
Hopping on the “diet fad” band wagons– I was hungry, bitter and overwhelmed by navigating proper nutrition
Unable to stay awake because I was mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted X10
Using training as punishment for “not being good enough” – trying to shove myself into a box
On the road traveling 90% of the year
While also trying to maintain somewhat healthy relationships with others and myself, build my business/ career, and “be present” in my life.
The point being: I’ve learned a lot of things the HARD way, I did things out of order and made growth HARD for myself, I lost myself so deeply a few times that I almost gave up.
I don’t want you to have to go through those same things.
On the other side of incredible challenge and struggle, I learned that our journey of strength and wellness can 100% be enjoyed, so long as we know how to get to where we want to go.
While you may not be an aspiring professional performer or athlete (or maybe you are!), I know that you are in HIGH demand, from your family, your career, and everything else in your life that pulls your attention and energy.
I literally created Prism Strength on the premise of “I want other women to feel powerful + BE as strong as they feel, AND I want them to enjoy the experience too.” It’s extremely empowering to step into your own greatness.
What sets Prism Strength apart is the experience I have acquired that is beyond the realm of what is common.
You get all the benefits of knowing and understanding everything I’ve learned (and continue to learn) about wellness, nutrition, strength training, and mental toughness without having to:
waste a bunch of time figuring out the “right direction” for you
suffer alone
make painful mistakes
dedicate years and years of devotion to the craft
I meet you where you are with a roadmap to get you where you want to be, simplify the process, and hold you accountable throughout your journey.
And most importantly, above anything else, I care.
I genuinely want to see you THRIVE.
I want you to know the “trade secrets” and “hacks to happiness'', because I want you to understand how great it feels to be your best, to design a life that you’re in love with, and to know that you are more than capable.
Life is never going to slow down for us, but we CAN prepare ourselves for it’s pace.
Pursue Your Best,
If you're curious, as I am, you'll want photo/ video to pair with my background story.